Pick the right design to replicate

Picking the right image is important. This design I created for an elementary school near Sioux City utilized the design to also work on t-shirts, mugs, folders, etc. I always try to encourage schools to keep it simple and replicable onto other items. Each mural I do I give them an original black and white and color to have on file for other uses.

Latest Wall Painting Mural

This sits in the office of a family home. They saw me do some live worship art and liked both the style and look I create when I do that. So, I put together a face of Christ for them as a personal commission.

Why Mural Garage as a name?

Well, I happen to do a lot of my touch up work and all of the cutouts in my Garage - hence the name Mural Garage for this site. My wife and kids just love it when I take over the Garage with all of my art stuff and you can't pull the vehicle or bikes in. Some of my most creative moments have happened in my garage.

Helping Haiti

 I have been able to travel to Haiti twice to help with Children of the Promise, an orphanage in the Cap Haitien community. On the last trip I was able to put my art skills to work and help create some murals for the orphanage. It was very cool and of course you fall in love with the kids when you are there. We have it good in America and even the simplest gestures go a long ways there. This was just the initial sketches on a cement wall. The kids wanted a jungle scene with cute animals. I wasn't able to complete all of it - but we got close.

Helping a Local Charity

This was a volunteer project I did for a local charity that helps children reconnect with parents when their has been some struggles in the home. These cut-out murals will go into one of the rooms that parents and children use to reconnect in, usually with supervision. It's a tough thing to see happen in homes, but glad there are organizations that help with this and seek to bring unity back to the family. Adding some energy and color to the otherwise drab walls can lift spirits and kids love balloons and hang gliders.