Murals done for schools, businesses, churches & homes. Prices are always reasonable and turn around time is quick. Pricing sheet available upon request. Average price is $20.00 per square foot. Depending on size of mural - usual onsite finish time is within 2 to 3 days. Cut outs may require more time. For more information or a quote email
Helping a Local Charity
This was a volunteer project I did for a local charity that helps children reconnect with parents when their has been some struggles in the home. These cut-out murals will go into one of the rooms that parents and children use to reconnect in, usually with supervision. It's a tough thing to see happen in homes, but glad there are organizations that help with this and seek to bring unity back to the family. Adding some energy and color to the otherwise drab walls can lift spirits and kids love balloons and hang gliders.