5x5 Commissioned Painting

I was contacted recently by a person who saw me paint live for a church worship service. Which I enjoy doing, so if you know of a church that would be interested in that, have them contact me. Anyway, they requested a painting in the style I would do live, it was for a husbands birthday. The canvas size was 5ft by 5ft, not an easy size to transport in my endeavor, but we managed.
This was the final product they requested and all were surprised and pleased. It will sit in their wall space overlooking their kitchen area, they wanted a face of Christ smiling on them as they start the day. 

Recent Mural for Middleschool 20 x 30 size

'This mural was a collaboration of the administration of the school and PTA group. I came up with a basic design and they gave some good feedback on some changes, such as dropping a skyline behind open wall and making the Wolverine a little more fierce looking, which was fine with me, the fiercer the better in my opinion. 
The actual mural paint time took 35 hours, over a four day period. I had an assistant help with some of the painting, that saved a good five to six hours of my work time.

If you are interested in having me create a dynamic mural for your school or business, please email me at jasondfolkerts@gmail.com . Be glad to help you take the first step in livening up a much needed boring wall space.

I also will be glad to work with you on your budget as I did with this group. We can send you a price sheet that will give you an idea of general costs.